Get Rid of the TSA Already!
I just read an excellent article on Gizmondo about the recent terrorist attack and the TSA's response to it.
The TSA isn't saving lives. We, the passengers, are saving our own. Since its inception, the TSA has been structured in such a way as to prevent specific terror scenarios, attempting to disrupt a handful of insanely specific tactics, while continuing to disenfranchise and demoralize the citizens who are actually doing the work that a billion-dollar government agency—an agency that received an additional $128 million just this year for new checkpoint explosive screening technology—has failed to do.
I totally agree with the article. The main thrust of the TSA has been a complete joke in my mind. I believe that terrorists are passionately crazy people. They are the kind of people that really can make nightmares into reality. That said, trying to stay a step ahead of them is madness. There are an infinite number of ways a terrorist could attack a plane ride and nobody can keep anyone safe from them all.

Bag Check
Where is one supposed to draw the line then? Do we keep escalating the security measures until we end up in shackles like Mr. Cage in Con Air?

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