July 1, 2010, 3:05 p.m.

Google Bike Maps Video


I was doing a bit of reminiscing today about my journey into the internet beyond a passive consumer. Specifically I remembered the build-up to Google's release of their bike maps. I went hunting for the video to clear the cobwebs a bit.

The bike maps video isn't as good as some of their others, especialy the chrome speed test! I like it though because the addition of bike maps was huge for me.

My web app at ridefreebikemaps.com/map-creator got a huge boost in functionality from the update. Along with the benefits of having bike maps came several drawbacks as well: printing, way-point limits, map search, etc. It is the nature of things I suppose.

Well today's closing is inspired by the El Nino rain: Now is a good time to do all those boring projects before the sun comes out again!
